This Monday we celebrate Patriot’s day in Massachusetts, and for those who are not sure of what that is, it is the anniversary of the “Shot Heard 'round the World” - the start of the American Revolution. It is a state holiday here, and also the beginning of a week long vacation for local schools. That provides me with an excellent chance to talk about this weeks topic, feeding kids.There is always a difficult decision to make around dinner time or when packing lunch and snacks. What can we do to help kids eat healthier, yet ensure that they actually eat what we prepare? A lot of parents are not sure how to address this dilemma. Today I offer a few suggestions, and also a recipe that you may want to try.I have found that the best way to get kids involved with healthy eating is to make them part of the process of helping prepare dinner. Some of my fondest memories of growing up are sitting in the kitchen and watching my mother cook. It was there that I learned not only the techniques and shortcuts of cooking, but also the reasons behind what was being done.I did not know it at the time, but while I was watching my mom cook I was watching the food pyramid in action. Dinners always had a protein, a starch and one or two vegetables on the plate. This was something that parents had taught to children for generations, and we did not have to see a chart to tell us this was the proper balance of food,The first step is to continue that process. Talk to your children about nutrition at an early age, and build the foundation that they will carry through life.The next step is to make sure that they eat vegetables at an early age and continue to do so throughout life.Pop Quiz: What would you rather have right now? A nice portion of French fries from your local fast food joint, or a plain baked potato? Chances are you chose the McFries. Is it no wonder that kids would also make the same decision? Yes, the fries taste better, but we know deep down that the baked potato is a better decision for our health. We need to present kids with the knowledge that while it okay to have unhealthy foods now and then, we should eat healthy most of the time and save the unhealthy choices as treats. Also, a plain baked potato is healthy, whereas a baked potato loaded with butter, sour cream and cheese is not. Try substitutions for flavor such as BBQ sauce or Salsa.We should also get children to eat vegetables at an early age. Find the veggies that they like and serve them often. If you have trouble getting them to eat vegetables, try “hiding” them in other snacks such as Zucchini Muffins (recipe follows) or ants on a log (celery, peanut butter and raisins). It is even better if you let them make some snacks themselves as this participation will help add fun to an ordinary task.We should also start adding more whole grains and fiber to the family diet. Start by buying whole grain breads and pasta, and then use whole wheat flour in baking when you can. Sure, it may not be applicable to a use it for cakes or pastry, but what about pancakes or quick breads?It is never too late to start eating healthy and while it may take some adjustments, most kids will follow along once the changes have been made.
If you are not comfortable in the kitchen and would like to get your kids more involved in hands on cooking, Park Hill Chefs offers in home cooking classes for kids of all ages.
Have a great week and spring vacation
3 eggs or Egg Substitute
1 cup plain unsweetened apple sauce
1 cup soft brown sugar
3 cups grated zucchini
1 tsp vanilla
1-1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1-1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1 tsp kosher salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1 T ground cinnamon
1/2 cup chopped walnuts or pecans (optional)
Put Zucchini in clean kitchen towel and squeeze out excess moisture
Beat eggs add apple sauce, sugar, zucchini and vanilla. Mix until blended
Add dry ingredients (except nuts) together in separate bowl ,add dry ingredients in thirds to egg mixture.
Add nuts
Spray muffin tins with non stick cooking spray and add batter to fill cups ¾ of the way.
Bake at 325 F for about 20 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean when inserted in center.
Bake at 325 F for about 20 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean when inserted in center.
Enjoy or freeze for future use
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